【アドベントカレンダー】 Raspberry pi + Webカメラで自宅警備
前回のアドベントカレンダーの記事で書いた Raspberry pi[Ubuntu]でファイル鯖[Samba]を構築 と関連したものになります。
- はじめに
- 対象者
- 構成
- 構築
- Samba と連携
- さいごに
- 参照
- お手軽に自宅警備をしたい
- Samba で共有するファイルがなくて困ってる
- Raspberry pi 3 B+ (Ubuntu 20.01)
- SDカード (32GB)
- USBカメラ
> apt install autoconf automake autopoint build-essential pkgconf libtool libzip-dev libjpeg-dev git libavformat-dev \
libavcodec-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libavdevice-dev libwebp-dev gettext libmicrohttpd-dev
> useradd -m motion-user
> cd motion-user
> git clone https://github.com/Motion-Project/motion.git
> cd motion
> autoreconf -fiv
> ./configure
> make && make install
> motion -h
motion Version 4.3.1+git20210818-d670829, Copyright 2000-2021 Jeroen Vreeken/Folkert van Heusden/Kenneth Lavrsen/Motion-Project maintainers
今回インストールしたバージョンで用意されている motion-dist.conf は、設定項目の大半が省略されているため使用しません。
motion.conf を作成し、以下のデフォルト設定を張り付けます。
# /usr/local/etc/motion/motion.conf
# This config file was generated by motion 4.3.1+git20210818-d670829
# at 2021-09-23T18:11:28
# System control configuration parameters
# Start in daemon (background) mode and release terminal.
daemon off
# Start in Setup-Mode, daemon disabled.
setup_mode off
# File to store the process ID.
; pid_file value
# File to write logs messages into. If not defined stderr and syslog is used.
; log_file value
# Level of log messages [1..9] (EMG, ALR, CRT, ERR, WRN, NTC, INF, DBG, ALL).
log_level 6
# Filter to log messages by type (COR, STR, ENC, NET, DBL, EVT, TRK, VID, ALL).
log_type ALL
# Do not sound beeps when detecting motion
quiet on
# Native language support.
native_language on
# Watchdog timeout.
watchdog_tmo 30
# Watchdog kill.
watchdog_kill 10
# User defined name for the camera.
; camera_name value
# Numeric identifier for the camera.
camera_id 0
# Target directory for pictures, snapshots and movies
target_dir .
# Video device (e.g. /dev/video0) to be used for capturing.
video_device /dev/video0
# Parameters to control video device. See motion_guide.html
; video_params value
# The Motion method to use to change the brightness/exposure on video device.
auto_brightness 0
# Device name (e.g. /dev/tuner0) to be used for capturing when using tuner as source
; tuner_device value
# Number of frames to capture in each roundrobin step
roundrobin_frames 1
# Number of frames to skip before each roundrobin step
roundrobin_skip 1
# Try to filter out noise generated by roundrobin
roundrobin_switchfilter off
# The full URL of the network camera stream.
; netcam_url value
# The parameters for the network camera.
; netcam_params value
# Optional high resolution URL for rtsp/rtmp cameras only.
; netcam_high_url value
# The parameters for the high resolution network camera.
; netcam_high_params value
# Username and password for network camera. Syntax username:password
; netcam_userpass value
# Name of mmal camera (e.g. vc.ril.camera for pi camera).
; mmalcam_name value
# Camera control parameters (see raspivid/raspistill tool documentation)
; mmalcam_params value
# Image Processing configuration parameters
# Image width in pixels.
width 640
# Image height in pixels.
height 480
# Maximum number of frames to be captured per second.
framerate 15
# Minimum time in seconds between capturing picture frames from the camera.
minimum_frame_time 0
# Number of degrees to rotate image.
rotate 0
# Flip image over a given axis
flip_axis none
# Draw a locate box around the moving object.
locate_motion_mode off
# Set the look and style of the locate box.
locate_motion_style box
# Text to be overlayed in the lower left corner of images
text_left CAMERA1
# Text to be overlayed in the lower right corner of images.
text_right %Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q
# Overlay number of changed pixels in upper right corner of images.
text_changes off
# Scale factor for text overlayed on images.
text_scale 1
# The special event conversion specifier %C
text_event %Y%m%d%H%M%S
# Motion detection configuration parameters
# Always save pictures and movies even if there was no motion.
emulate_motion off
# pause motion detection.
pause off
# Threshold for number of changed pixels that triggers motion.
threshold 1500
# The maximum threshold for number of changed pixels that triggers motion.
threshold_maximum 0
# Enable tuning of the threshold down if possible.
threshold_tune off
# Noise threshold for the motion detection.
noise_level 32
# Automatically tune the noise threshold
noise_tune on
# Despeckle the image using (E/e)rode or (D/d)ilate or (l)abel.
despeckle_filter EedDl
# Area number used to trigger the on_area_detected script.
; area_detect value
# Full path and file name for motion detection mask PGM file.
; mask_file value
# Full path and file name for privacy mask PGM file.
; mask_privacy value
# The value defining how slow or fast the smart motion mask created and used.
smart_mask_speed 0
# Percentage of image that triggers a lightswitch detected.
lightswitch_percent 0
# When lightswitch is detected, ignore this many frames
lightswitch_frames 5
# Number of images that must contain motion to trigger an event.
minimum_motion_frames 1
# Gap in seconds of no motion detected that triggers the end of an event.
event_gap 60
# The number of pre-captured (buffered) pictures from before motion.
pre_capture 3
# Number of frames to capture after motion is no longer detected.
post_capture 0
# Script execution configuration parameters
# Command to be executed when an event starts.
; on_event_start value
# Command to be executed when an event ends.
; on_event_end value
# Command to be executed when a picture is saved.
; on_picture_save value
# Command to be executed when motion in a predefined area is detected
; on_area_detected value
# Command to be executed when motion is detected
; on_motion_detected value
# Command to be executed when a movie file is created.
; on_movie_start value
# Command to be executed when a movie file is closed.
; on_movie_end value
# Command to be executed when a camera can't be opened or if it is lost
; on_camera_lost value
# Command to be executed when a camera that was lost has been found.
; on_camera_found value
# Picture output configuration parameters
# Output pictures when motion is detected
picture_output off
# Output pictures with only the pixels moving object (ghost images)
picture_output_motion off
# Format for the output pictures.
picture_type jpeg
# The quality (in percent) to be used in the picture compression
picture_quality 75
# Text to include in a JPEG EXIF comment
; picture_exif value
# File name(without extension) for pictures relative to target directory
picture_filename %Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q
# Snapshot output configuration parameters
# Make automated snapshot every N seconds
snapshot_interval 0
# File name(without extension) for snapshots relative to target directory
snapshot_filename %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot
# Movie output configuration parameters
# Create movies of motion events.
movie_output on
# Create movies of moving pixels of motion events.
movie_output_motion off
# Maximum length of movie in seconds.
movie_max_time 60
# The fixed bitrate to be used by the movie encoder. Ignore quality setting
movie_bps 400000
# The encoding quality of the movie. (0=use bitrate. 1=worst quality, 100=best)
movie_quality 45
# Container/Codec to used for the movie. See motion_guide.html
movie_codec mkv
# Duplicate frames to achieve "framerate" fps.
movie_duplicate_frames off
# Pass through from the camera to the movie without decode/encoding.
movie_passthrough off
# File name(without extension) for movies relative to target directory
movie_filename %t-%v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S
# Use pipe and external encoder for creating movies.
movie_extpipe_use off
# Full path and options for external encoder of movies from raw images
; movie_extpipe value
# Timelapse output configuration parameters
# Interval in seconds between timelapse captures.
timelapse_interval 0
# Timelapse file rollover mode. See motion_guide.html for options and uses.
timelapse_mode daily
# Frame rate for timelapse playback
timelapse_fps 30
# Container/Codec for timelapse movie.
timelapse_codec mpg
# File name(without extension) for timelapse movies relative to target directory
timelapse_filename %Y%m%d-timelapse
# Loopback pipe configuration parameters
# v4l2 loopback device to receive normal images
; video_pipe value
# v4l2 loopback device to receive motion images
; video_pipe_motion value
# Webcontrol configuration parameters
# Port number used for the webcontrol.
webcontrol_port 8080
# Enable IPv6 addresses.
webcontrol_ipv6 off
# Restrict webcontrol connections to the localhost.
webcontrol_localhost on
# Type of configuration options to allow via the webcontrol.
webcontrol_parms 0
# Method that webcontrol should use for interface with user.
webcontrol_interface 0
# The authentication method for the webcontrol
webcontrol_auth_method 0
# Authentication string for the webcontrol. Syntax username:password
; webcontrol_authentication value
# Use ssl / tls for the webcontrol
webcontrol_tls off
# Full path and file name of the certificate file for tls
; webcontrol_cert value
# Full path and file name of the key file for tls
; webcontrol_key value
# The header parameters for webcontrol
; webcontrol_header_params value
# The number of minutes to lock out a IP for failed authentication attempts
webcontrol_lock_minutes 5
# The number failed authentication attempts before locking out a IP address
webcontrol_lock_attempts 5
# The maximum number of IPs to track at once for locking out.
webcontrol_lock_max_ips 25
# Live stream configuration parameters
# The port number for the live stream.
stream_port 8081
# Restrict stream connections to the localhost.
stream_localhost on
# Authentication method for live stream.
stream_auth_method 0
# The authentication string for the stream. Syntax username:password
; stream_authentication value
# Use ssl / tls for stream.
stream_tls off
# The header parameters for the stream
; stream_header_params value
# Percentage to scale the stream image on the webcontrol.
stream_preview_scale 25
# Have the stream image start on a new line of the webcontrol
stream_preview_newline off
# Method for showing stream on webcontrol.
stream_preview_method 0
# Quality of the jpeg images produced for stream.
stream_quality 50
# Provide the stream images in black and white
stream_grey off
# Output frames at 1 fps when no motion is detected.
stream_motion off
# Maximum framerate of images provided for stream
stream_maxrate 1
# Limit the number of images per connection
stream_limit 0
# Database and SQL Configuration parameters
# The type of database being used if any.
; database_type value
# Database name to use. For sqlite3, the full path and name.
; database_dbname value
# The host on which the database is located
database_host localhost
# Port used by the database.
database_port 0
# User account name for database.
; database_user value
# User password for database.
; database_password value
# Database wait for unlock time
database_busy_timeout 0
# Log to the database when creating motion triggered image file
sql_log_picture off
# Log to the database when creating a snapshot image file
sql_log_snapshot off
# Log to the database when creating motion triggered movie file
sql_log_movie off
# Log to the database when creating timelapse movie file
sql_log_timelapse off
# SQL query at event start. See motion_guide.html
; sql_query_start value
# SQL query at event stop. See motion_guide.html
; sql_query_stop value
# SQL query string that is sent to the database. See motion_guide.html
; sql_query value
# Tracking configuration parameters
# Method used by tracking camera. See motion_guide.html
track_type 0
# Enable auto tracking
track_auto off
# Serial port of motor
; track_port value
# Motor number for x-axis
track_motorx 0
# Set motorx reverse
track_motorx_reverse off
# Motor number for y-axis
track_motory 0
# Set motory reverse
track_motory_reverse off
# Maximum value on x-axis
track_maxx 0
# Minimum value on x-axis
track_minx 0
# Maximum value on y-axis
track_maxy 0
# Minimum value on y-axis
track_miny 0
# Center value on x-axis
track_homex 128
# Center value on y-axis
track_homey 128
# ID of an iomojo camera if used
track_iomojo_id 0
# Angle in degrees the camera moves per step on the X-axis with auto-track
track_step_angle_x 10
# Angle in degrees the camera moves per step on the Y-axis with auto-track.
track_step_angle_y 10
# Delay to wait for after tracking movement as number of picture frames.
track_move_wait 10
# Speed to set the motor to (stepper motor option)
track_speed 255
# Number of steps to make (stepper motor option)
track_stepsize 40
# Command to execute to move a camera in generic tracking mode
; track_generic_move value
# Camera config files - One for each camera.
; camera /usr/local/etc/motion/camera1.conf
# Directory to read '.conf' files for cameras.
; camera_dir /usr/local/etc/motion/conf.d
# /usr/local/etc/motion/motion.conf
# This config file was generated by motion 4.3.1+git20210818-d670829
# at 2021-09-23T18:11:28
# System control configuration parameters
### バックグラウンドで起動することを許可する設定
# Start in daemon (background) mode and release terminal.
daemon on
### 動作を検知した際に保存するデータのディレクトリパスを設定
# Target directory for pictures, snapshots and movies
; target_dir .
# Picture output configuration parameters
### 動作を検知した際に画像を保存する設定
# Output pictures when motion is detected
picture_output on
# Movie output configuration parameters
### 動作を検知した際に動画を保存する設定
# Create movies of motion events.
movie_output off
# Live stream configuration parameters
### ライブ映像を外部から閲覧する許可の設定
# Restrict stream connections to the localhost.
stream_localhost off
Samba と連携
以前の記事で書いた Raspberry pi[Ubuntu]でファイル鯖[Samba]を構築 の内容が完了できていることが前提になります。
motion で保存したデータを Samba でファイル共有することで外部から確認するために、データを保存するディレクトリパスを変更します。
今回は例として /home/share01 の直下に保存していますが、実際の運用ではディレクトリを分割するのが好ましいです。
# /usr/local/etc/motion/motion.conf
# This config file was generated by motion 4.3.1+git20210818-d670829
# at 2021-09-23T18:11:28
# System control configuration parameters
### 動作を検知した際に保存するデータのディレクトリパスを設定
# Target directory for pictures, snapshots and movies
target_dir /home/share01
今回は、自宅の監視をするために motion を使用して画像を保存し、Samba で外部から確認できるようにしました。